It's been quite a week.
I've just had to keep
pushing forward.
A little bit of stitching,
a little bit of cooking + harvesting
and a lot of Nana duty.
Hanging out with my 16 month old grandson, Weston.
Chasing bubbles and
playing with wrenches to
help Papa put together the
new honey extractor.
Thanks Weston for keeping me
on my toes and hopefully young at heart.💙
That extractor, of course, lead to actually harvesting
some honey from our very productive hive.
playing with wrenches to
help Papa put together the
new honey extractor.
Thanks Weston for keeping me
on my toes and hopefully young at heart.💙
That extractor, of course, lead to actually harvesting
some honey from our very productive hive.
Pardon the cliche,
but they have been very busy bees!
3.5 gallons of honey from 8 frames
with plenty left in the hive for the bees
to survive through the winter.
Thank you bees! 🐝
We have one small peach tree
that literally went crazy this year.
bending it's branches
nearly to the ground.
We picked well over 500 peaches
Lots have been frozen, shared and eaten!
That's been along with a couple of bushels
of apples;
Thank you fruit trees
for being so generous this year.
The tomatoes?
Well, enough for
a couple of tomato pies
and being able to enjoying the simple BLT's.
Thanks tomatoes for giving
a good effort.
The stitching has been minimal.
I've been working on the next border
on my Di Ford Sutton Grange quilt.
4 petals are being machine appliqued to a square.
I opted to sew the background squares together first,
add the borders to the quilt,
and then applique the petals to squares.
The reason was because that I KNEW I won't be able
to place and stitch those 4 petals properly.
I knew some would probably get sewn into the seam allowances.
There's no way I could have gotten all those
points to have come together as well as they did
if I was concerned about the seam allowances.
Yes, it's a bit awkward handling this
much fabric while machine appliqueing,
but for me, the results are well worth it.
Not all of them came out perfectly anyway,
but most did!
The good news is the pattern actually
has an appliqued circle over the centers.
Any issues will vanish!
Thanks, Di.
Thanks to all of you
for taking the time
to read my blog and
to leave a comment or two.
I appreciate it very much.
Until Next Time
Gorgeous photos! Yum, the pie looks so good! I love love love fresh peaches and apples right off the trees. Your quilt is awesome.
ReplyDeleteWhat a surprise! You are beekeepers. And peach growers. On vacation, I had fresh peach pie several times. One evening, myself and two friends, all we ate for supper was two pieces of peach pie.
ReplyDeleteI love your pushing forward photo. Your Grandson is adorable. I love fresh peaches. I used to make peach freezer jam using them. I've never had tomato pie. It looks delicious. Your quilt is so beautiful. Hugs
ReplyDeleteSweetest picture ever of your Grandson and being surrounded by bubbles! You have been very busy - the honey and all the fruits look marvelous. A big thank you for providing such a wonderful environment for the bees - we all need to be aware of their fragile state. Great progress on your Sutton Grange - aren’t we fortunate to have Di’s designs and inspiration during our quilting journey!!
ReplyDeleteLittle Weston appears to have the makings of a real tool guy, so cute! Wow, what a gorgeous peach tree, this must have been the perfect year for them. Tomato-basil pie is one of our very favorite late summer treats. Your quilt is looking wonderful, it hardly needs those circles, you've done such a beautiful job with petal placement, though I know the circles will add another pop of color. Enjoy your harvest, and all the nana time, I wish we had a bit more of that!
ReplyDeleteI love that the small one is 'pushing' a Citroen 2cv! I got one for my birthday a few years back.
ReplyDeleteThat tomato pie looks delicious, and your quilt is fantastic!
ReplyDeleteYour grandson looks like such a sweetheart. Fresh peaches from your peach tree!! I can only imagine! I love making peach blueberry cobbler but I've never made it with fresh peaches. Your orange peels/petals are so pretty - I love the low contrast ones. Such gorgeous fabrics :0)
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful and productive garden you have! I know it's a lot of work, but you really reaped the rewards this year. Those pies made me hungry!
ReplyDeleteKyle que larga distancia.
ReplyDeleteQuiero reir con tu precioso pitufo
Y merendar con tu rica miel y tus deliciosos albaricoques.
¡¡quiero ser una abeja o paloma par ir !!
Your grandson is just the cutest. Oh my goodness, what an amazing peach tree! And honey?? You are full of surprises! Love the way you tackled those appliqued petals :) Your quilt is gorgeous!
ReplyDeletetomato pie?!!!?? i am dying to try that. you have been a busy bee! aaannnd. I love that bee spout, where did you get it? I am maybe going to have to track one down!
ReplyDeleteWith help like you have around the place, you can't help but be productive. :)
ReplyDeleteLooks like a bountiful year for you!
I think that was the smartest way to go on the petal blocks.
What a darling baby!! I love your bees...I have no idea how to harvest the honey, but we have a bee hive in our backyard! Gorgeous Di Ford quilt in the works.
ReplyDeleteSuch a lovely blogpost, beautiful pictures. All kinds of yummy fresh foods, delicious! Lovely pictures of your grandson, and your quilt is going to be gorgeous. I admire your machine applique, I could not do this myself, strictly hand work for me when it comes to applique.
ReplyDeleteYour petals are looking great! Your machine applique is beautiful.
ReplyDeleteAnd your harvest looks delicious! Those tomatoes...... I can imagine the great taste of a BLT!
The honey looks great too, you will have a sweet winter with all those remembrance of summer.
Lucky Weston, Lucky you! Grandkids are the best! Normally I would complain about not having enough quilting time, but with your harvest and Nana duties, I'll bet you are not complaining. That honey extractor is amazing. Our bees did not produce much this year, but they had a few setbacks with ants and yellow jackets. Better next year I'm sure. Your Sutton Grange quilt is gorgeous! I agree that your method of waiting until the border is on to applique those petals was the right way to go. Not sure I could handle it, but you are spot on!
ReplyDeleteSmart idea as far as I am concerned doing the applique after the sewing, because I definitely have that issue and it puts me off....thanks for the tip, I will be doing it your way in the future!
ReplyDeleteI can't believe how fruitful your trees were this year! We have loved eating all the extra peaches you shared and I know Weston LOVES being with his Nana everyday!
ReplyDeleteWow, honey and peaches. They look so delicious. But of course a lot of work. ( We used to have hives until my hubby found out he was seriously allergic to bee stings!!)
ReplyDeleteLovely work and smart ideas with your stitching. I am surprised you cold squeeze any in with all the other activities.
Oh My! now I'm craving tomatoes and peaches. How amazing that you have your own fresh peaches. I love them and they have been good around here too.
ReplyDeleteI am so so impressed with your Bee Keeping! I went to bee school, but opted not to start in just yet...Life. Your honey looks great and I bet it is delicious. Do you think they helped your peach tree? i bet they did.
Your bubble photo is adorable.
Hooray for center berries. I liked your plan to add petals after the seams.
always love my visits here.
So much good stuff to comment on! Having Nana duty must be keeping you young at heart - just reading about your activities made me tired! . Amazing to see your bees, hive, and honey - how cool to have your own honey! Yay for machine applique and figuring out a great technique!
ReplyDeleteBetween the fruit trees and bees I don't know how you had time to do ANY stitching. The honey and pies look delish. You have a very handsome grandguy, too!
ReplyDeleteWhat an amazing harvest!
ReplyDeleteYour did outstanding on those teardrops! That quilt is lovely.
Twice your message disappeared on my iPad Kyle so trying on my iMax hope this goes through to you. Have throughly enjoyed your blog today, smiled at the bubbles, laughed over the first photo, , gazed in awe at your beautiful quilt designed by Di , looked up tomato pie???, peaches made my mouth water, honey is like nectar when its straight from the hives, my son has his own hive and loves his bees, Just a lovely lovely glimpse in to your week. Thanks for sharing Kylie loved my visit. Cheers Glenda