I love to investigate what gets
hung on Christmas trees.
I remember as a kid
draping silver tinsel on the tree.
We'd do it neatly for a while
until we got bored
and then end up just tossing it haphazardly on.
We'd always answer,
we were trying
to reach the higher branches.
Of course,
it would all have to be taken off
when the tree was taken down
and laid carefully back in the boxes
to be recycled again for next year.
Our tree doesn't have tinsel,
but it does have some rather unusual things.
Instead, it's decorated with objects
we've collected
during the years that reminds us
of where we've been
or what we did.
So for example,
do many people have a naked David statue
hiding ( actually, not too well hidden)
among the tree boughs?
How about a Chinese Santa
from Beijing
sporting a communist red star and sickle
in his pack?
Or a bottle of Chianti
next to a Tijuana Santa,
next to the Three Wise Men?
This year we added a few more treasures.
An ice cream cone from
visiting Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream factory
and a chocolate box cover from Vermont.
(The chocolates were consumed long ago!)
The ancient stone markings
from Newgrange, Ireland,
along with a few other reminders
of our fabulous trip to Ireland.
We also included
the famous
6 toed cats from Ernest Hemingway's
home in Key West, Florida.
It's always a ritual to look at
and remember the circumstances around
each new object that's added to
our continually growing collection.
And then as the new year begins,
we start collecting all over again,
because each new year brings
new and exciting moments to remember.
Merry Christmas,