When you think of the color Green
in relationship with another color,
it is usually included as the second color
in the sequence.
Red and Green
Blue and Green......
I wonder why that is?
Green is a lovely color that can
stand strong by itself.
This month's mini
Green Isn't Always Second Fiddle
Shades of Green
21" x 24"
Using Green as the primary color
can be a challenge.
I usually purchase greens for
applique stems, leaves or
to mix with another color.
So most of my green fabrics are small
prints to add a little bit
of texture to a project.
In this case, different shades of green got to be the stars
with tiny red and white shirtings settling for the
second fiddle position.
I noticed three of my old favorites ended up
side by side.
The first one is from the Sarah Johnson Collection and
the Shelburne Museum
The second one is part of the
Smithsonian Fabrics collections, but I'm not sure
what antique quilt.
The third one is all used up
so I don't remember the designer.
Red just couldn't let Green be the star
and just had to be the binding!
A March Series
The month of March can be thought
of spring gradually finding its way
and even possibly seeing the beginning of a hint of green.
For now, the only green I can
see is clipped to the fence.
Be sure to check out the rest of the
Monthly Minis listed on Wendy's blog,
it's always a treat.
Until Next Time-