Here it is December 1st already.
The countdown begins.
I have not been able to get into the spirit.
Too much to do?
Empty nest syndrome?
The bombardment of shopping ads?
Of course, I know the greater meaning of Christmas,
but still the joy of the holiday hasn't quite been with me.
It is funny how your needs can be met in such simple ways.
Standing in line at Hobby Lobby a little boy about
4 began to share with me what was on his list for Santa.
It made me smile.
I was at another shop in town and ran into
a friend. It was nice to see someone you know
and who took the time to chat.
It made me smile.
I found a couple extra dollars in my
pocket as I passed the Salvation Army
collection bucket.
It made me smile.
I got home and as I drove in the driveway
there were 3 geese grazing on our front lawn.
I shooed them away and thought, Ed will be happy with that.
After I got all my bags inside I casually looked out the back window.
There on the back lawn were about 300 geese!
I opened the door and I waved my arms.
They all took off with the sound of beating of wings
and loud honking.
They took refuge on the ice.
I'm not a good video photographer, but I
wanted you to see and hear my geese friends
They weren't happy.
It probably wasn't kind.
It made me smile and even laugh.
Guess I'll go put on the Christmas music.
Until Next Time-Kyle
That was a lot of honking!! I wanted to see you shoo them!!