Monday, July 26, 2010

Don't You Love the Weekends

Despite being pretty warm, the weekend was productive.
It was a good ratio of

including a trip to the Farmer's Market


It even left time for working on a quilt project.

This quilt top has been completed since January.
Waiting for inspiration.

After drawing a couple different quilting pattern 
for each section of the quilt on the Golden Threads Paper
pin it in place.

Then it's just a matter of sewing on the lines.
and tearing away the paper.  
This part takes the longest 
and is nice to do outside 
so little bits of paper don't require getting the vacuum out.

This is the back of the quilt.
It's a little easier to see the design.

That was easy.
Next step...adding the binding.

Until Next Time-Kyle

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